Netters, I have read all of the posts,,,, ok not alllllll of them.... on Jacking up a KR2 to work on changing a tire. Well I can do it better right? Not!!! I have a hydralic jack at the airport, but it has a slow leak. DO NOT GIVE ME WAYS TO FIX IT.... I know how,, just lazy. Well with tthat said, The jack lowered and the jack stand held. The problem? The jack stand was behind the CG and down came the nose. I will have to do a little GLASS work to the lower cowl now. I wanted to anyway right? The good news is I ordered the new tires for the plane, from wicks, there are tight but clear and will work great. They are wider for GRASS, and a better ride, and are cheaper.
Lee Van Dyke Mesa AZ 85212