Hi Netters. I am away behind on my emails but I am bothered by the discussion on the compass reversing as you move over the equator into the southern hemisphere. I suggest that if you are in the far north of Canada, but still south of the North Magnetic Pole and you decide to fly south to Toronto, your compass points South at 180 degrees. The number 18 or 180 is displayed. If you generally keep going south you would over fly Florida (big gas tanks and bladders for this flight). Cross the Caribbean to South America. The compass still says 180 degrees. Over the equator in Brazil it still says 180 . Down to Argentina, still 180. Penetrate Antarctica still going South at 180. The normal magnetic field of your aircraft have not changed. All the compass is doing is following the magnetic lines of the earth. (yes I know it would like to dip) The question of turning for lag in the compass I have not thought about. In fact for the VFR that I do it is a subject that has no real importance. Now let me get on with the mass of accumulated emails on my mail box. Regards Harold Woods Orillia, ON,Canada. haroldwo...@rogers.com