Serge What I would do to transition to using the new flaps, since you have not flown with them on this plane is to get at least say 3000 feet AGL, and then slow to pattern speed, and slowly begin to deploy them, paying particular attention to how the plane's attitude changes and what you must do to compensate. Set up a glide with them to see the difference in rate of descent. And lastly, apply full flaps, and then attempt a climb as if in a go around, and note the performance. If you cannot climb with full flaps, spend some extra time on the ground rehearsing retracting flaps, just after full power on a go around.
Assembly should be able to be accomplished by using two transfer bellcranks, sandwiching the torque tubes. Colin Rainey <> -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Serge VIDAL Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:08 AM To: Subject: KR> flaps Decision taken, Colin! I'm going to retro-fit split flaps, which are probably the best compromise, since: - They are as easy to install as a belly board, - They provide as much drag, - They do give a bit of extra lift. My aileron control cables being rigged to the rear of the rear spar, I'll have to be very careful on my setting, but that's manageable. As for the hinge, I plan to use plain piano hinge, which I will screw to the rear spar with plenty small screws. Now, I've got to find a way to make the torque tube and the actuator rods. I need to find a solution that does not require any welding. Maybe I can find a way that takes only rivetting and glueing? Serge Vidal KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud" Paris, France " Ce courriel et les documents qui y sont attachis peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles. Si vous n'jtes pas le destinataire escompti, merci d'en informer l'expiditeur immidiatement et de ditruire ce courriel ainsi que tous les documents attachis de votre systhme informatique. Toute divulgation, distribution ou copie du prisent courriel et des documents attachis sans autorisation prialable de son imetteur est interdite." " This e-mail and any attached documents may contain confidential or proprietary information. If you are not the intended recipient, please advise the sender immediately and delete this e-mail and all attached documents from your computer system. Any unauthorised disclosure, distribution or copying hereof is prohibited."