KR netters, First a hearty second to Mark's comments, no more C-172 stats.
Now to the real reason for my post, At 8:15am this morning I flew N216CB for
the first time. Great flight, I have a couple of squawks to fix, but the KR2
flew like a dream. I lost the airspeed indicator on take off, but the climb
out was 840fpm, then I lowered the nose slightly and it jumped to1200fpm. I
only flew one circuit around the pattern, as my CHT alarm went off at 440*. I
landed by sight and feel, and made probably the best landing that I will ever
make in the plane. I need info on the ratio for the size of the bottom cutout
to exit the hot air as opposed to the inlet air. I have a GPAS 2180 Rear Drive
engine so any info from other VW KR owners will be appreciated. No need to
clog the net, e-mail me off net. Thanks, Jim