>From: "Mark Jones" <mjo...@muellersales.com> I happened to look straight up above me and all of a sudden I was looking at the rivets on the bottom of a Cessna 172. This guy could not have been more than a 100 feet above me. I could see the treads on his tires. Where the hell did he come from? What should I do? At this point, luckily I had good separation between me and Dyke so I throttled up and got out in front of the Cessna. I never seen him again and I presume he settled in between me and the 16 RV's behind me.
READ THE NOTAMS!! That 172 you are talking about Mark, dropped out of 2500' feet or so on base between Alpha Flight and Bravo Flight of those 16 RV's. BTW, the 16 ship flight was all FFI Cardholders and had prior approval for the 4x4x4x4 landing. I watched a tube and fabric taildragger land on 36 while 18 was hot. Geez, it's a wonder Oshkosh doesn't just say the heck with some of these jockies and confiscate their airplanes. Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host Richmond, KY i39 RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic" O 360 A1A, C/S C2YK-1BF/F7666A4 http://rvflying.tripod.com/id30.html do not archive _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/