FYI, While I was at AirVenture 2006 I came across a few more resources I was not aware of and maybe some of you also. Here they are:
Contact Magazine a homebuilder's resource mainly about power plants and projects with no ads. I think I will like this publication. $24.00/yr. Aerocraft Catalog [1/2" think] from Redmond, OR., competition for Wisks and AS&S. Sky Sports Catalog [radios, gauges, misc. parts] good prices. I stopper by the Lincoln Tig forum and took a lesion on welding aluminum. I can now weld aluminum after learning some techniques. [I have a 175 Tig welder but had problems with my technique and did not have a good helmet, couldn't see the puddle.] The Chapter Leaders forum was fun. The EAA is going to get behind Light Sport Aircraft in a big way. They think Young Eagles and LSA is the only hope for the future of GA. Ronald R. Eason Sr. President / CEO Ph: 816-468-4091 Fax: 816-468-5465 Our Attitude Makes The Difference!