Terry Chizek is having his annual cookout and mini KR gathering in Marion
Kansas on 26th August. He's been having some trouble posting messages to the
KRNET so I'm passing it along for him.  Terry's got 1 KR flying and 2 more
under construction.  It should be a fun time.

Last weekend Terry and I caught up with Steve Glover as he delivered his
outstanding KR2 to Paul Russell at Pittsburg, KS.  Great to have that
airplane in the Midwest.  Terry also gave me some dual instruction in his
trigear KR2 in preparation for my first flight which hopefully will be soon
- thanks Terry.  So we had a mini KR gathering in Kansas at the same time
Mark Jones was having his near Oshkosh. Lots of KR stuff happening all over
the planet it seems.  Hope to see a few folks here in Marion Kansas on the


Rob Schmitt


From: Terry Chizek [mailto:c15...@netzero.net] 
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2006 8:30 AM
To: robert.schm...@us.army.mil
Subject: Fw: July FLY PAPER

I'm having a small fish fry and all invited 

cookout @campout  sat. night aug. 26th  Marion ks (43k) be doing fish this
year at 6:00 pm free to all flyin  terry chizek cell 620 381 1347

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