Mitch, With the variation in each KR I don't think that there will be a set of numbers that will work for all. Having said that I can tell you how mine is set up. I never lower flaps above 100 mph indicated usually on base. 2nd notch is about 80 mph on finial and the last notch is a judgement call somewhere on short finial depending on head wind and actual glide slope. This most times get me over the numbers at 70 mph. My short experience is that the speed from 80 down to 60 for touchdown is difficult to get done with out eating up a whole lot of runway without flaps of some kind. (and brakes) I have landed in as little as 1200 ft and as long as all of a 3000 ft runway. Most times it can be stopped in 2000 ft or less. I use aero braking all that I can and has become somewhat of a game to see how far I can keep the nose wheel off the ground.
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa. On Sat, 29 Jul 2006 12:05:51 -0700 (PDT) mitch hargin <> writes: > At what speeds are the flaps recommended on final? > Thanks. > Mitch Hargin > Clarinda, IA >