I thought MEK was used for polyester resins not epoxies but hey if it works!?? I used an electric blanket over a plastic sheet on my layups when necessary...wife wasn't amused.
John Martindale 29 Jane Circuit TOORMINA NSW 2452 AUSTRALIA phone: 61 2 66584767 (H) 61 2 66869094 (W) mobile: 0417 584767 email: johnja...@optusnet.com.au web: www.members.optusnet.com.au/johnjanet/Martindale.htm ----- Original Message ----- snip>>>> > Hay guys. I had the same problem and have had it off and on several times. > How humid is it? I called aeropoxy and they said to try one trick. Take a > rag and put MEK on it and and lighty wipe the surface.