Brian and I talked at length yesterday, and suffice it to say that he has tried 
to present things to the list in an unbiased prespective, but in reality this 
new ordinance is nothing more than an attempt by the city to quiet a neighbor 
who has been bombarding the city with complaints for several years, with no 
substanciation. At one point they even acknowleded that this is a dispute 
between neighbors that should not involve the city.

He hasn't asked, but I am asking that if anyone knows what to do when you are 
singled out by an ordinance, or when a single neighbor is making themselves 
beyond a nuisance and encroaching upon your rights every way they can, PLEASE 
contact Brian off net so that he can get the support from those that know.

This kind of action is dangerous for us all, because it is a peace at any price 
reaction, which tosses one person's rights out the window, to satisfy another's 
complaining. The correct response here would be to threaten this nosy neighbor 
with abuse of the system, and get an injunction against them.

Ok enough. Dan good luck on your first flight!


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