--- Mark Langford <n5...@hiwaay.net> wrote:
> Now you can't build or even change the oil in an
> airplane AT ALL!  

One man's junk is another man's treasure. 

I can' tell you how many flaming idiots who start a
car project, only to leave it rusting inthe yard for
ten years, will tell you that they are in the process
of "building it". 

I have not said anything until now, but now I will say
it. We are getting ONE SIDE of this story. I'd sure
like to hear the neighbors chime in on this. 

My gut feeling has me thinking that it's more than
just a problem of one airplane in a garage, just as
the problem at my house was mor ethan just one Harley
in the garage....it was ten Harleys, late nights
tuning them, and loud music and beer-drinking idiots.
But that was ten years ago.....


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