Will hi all i lost my cool the other day i was on the flight line and my ears started to burn some jack ass drinking beer on the tarmac starting talking smack about homebuilders small airplanes MINE !!!!! 4 JULY LOOK AT THAT SMALL PROP LOOK AT THE SMALL TIRE . I replied its all in what you what if you what a dog fly a 140-160 piper (his plane) if you cant fly fly 150 or something if you cant fly stay a way from this it is not a first date airplane she requires a gentle touch but if you can fly its a dream come true ask any Kr owner one kiss of the mains your first landing your in love . bye the way he declined on racing me to Cambridge Maryland for hundred bucks !!!!!!!!! hay hamburgers cost a lot in a spam can i was just trying to get months supply of fuel.
mac small prop mcfarland