I figure if I have a Jab 2200 that uses 14 LPH and cruise at 120KIAS/130-140TAS up high you could go from Hilo, Hawaii to the CONUS without breaking the 1200Lb MTOW of my KR, though only just...
According to MSFS 2004 the distance is 2010NM for 16 HOURS flying time in nil wind. 235 Lts/182kg/400Lbs of fuel. In all honesty you would want at least 20 hours of fuel to be safe...another 80lbs of fuel for around 500lbs fuel total... If you can have a KR that weighs in under 550Lbs Empty, it is possible with an average pilot and fuel for 20 hours...Still, It's a bloody long flight. Now to just get the weight of my KR down... remove the Revmaster in place of a Jab, the retract's are gone, VFR instruments only, sling seat, no electrical system no starter.... hhmm... enough there to keep me busy. I think I will stick to flying around Australia for a while... Cheers, Rob. Robin Wills Second Person, Pacific National KR-2 19-4594, Ser# N111 krvia...@bigpond.com