I have just gotten home from my BFR and am legal again. Talk about flying a 
bus. I had not flown anything but my KR since March of 2005 and tonight, I flew 
a Warrior
and was awestruck at how heavy this plane is in the air now that I know what a 
real airplane feels like(speaking of the KR of course). I found that I was 
white knuckling the yoke and it felt like I had to force the Warrior to move 
through the air. The climb performance sucked compared to the KR. As a matter 
of fact everything about that Warrior sucked compared to the KR. I did land and 
take off from a grass strip tonight in the Warrior and that was some good fun 
although watching the trees come at you while climbing poorly was interesting. 
Anyway, the instructor said he was impressed with my flying and especially the 
landings so that made me feel good. After flying that crate, I can not wait 
till daybreak tomorrow so I can get in my KR and go have some real fun.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI 
Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com
E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com

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