Hello everybody, I know its not Friday but cut me a little slack anyway. Just got back from vacation in England. It was great meeting both Ken and Phil. Phil Brookman has a very nice KR with a VW powerplant. Sounded beautiful and flew just as beautiful as it sounded. he did a couple of high speed passes right over me and the plane looks even better when flying overhead. It was so fast that my digital camera couldn't even catch the pictures. Will post them tomorrow. We should also note how spoiled we are in this country. I went to both Ken's and Phil's home airfields in England (north of London) and they were both grass and only about 1,500' long. The shortest I have ever landed at is 3,000' and I have landed at 10,000' fields. Talk about really sticking the landings. They have no margin for error over there. It probably makes them better pilots. I personally will start practising my landings for distance as well as style. Anyway, the point is that while we were chatting Phil mentioned that he could have used some VW parts that are prohibitively expense to ship from the U.S. Therefore, what I think we should do is post news of our travel plans (distant ones only) so that if there are any KR brethren in areas not easily serviced by U.S. supply houses, we could hand deliver stuff and make their lives easier. It would have been so easy for me to carry some parts to Phil. I feel terrible that I didn't think about it before I left. The net is here to provide support - maybe parts delivery could be a part of that support. I intend to post my future travel plans in case I can help someone.
Also, Phil has inspired me to get off of my duff and build this dang plane. His was beautiful and makes me think that if I just get focused I can finish mine within a year, not 10. I am going to get my tail dragger endorsement now so that when the time comes I won't have to worry about that. Thanks for listening. Ray New Orleans __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com