I sold this aircraft to Bud Parrish of Rialto, CA in late 1990 since I
was leaving the country and had no idea when I would be back to stay.  I
could have easily stored it and looking back selling it seems like one of
the dumber things I've done in my life.  I really liked that little

Bud Parrish ran it off the end of the runway at Rialto while doing "taxi
tests" and messed up the cowling and canopy.  He put it in his garage
there in Rialto and on one of my trips back to the U.S. told me I could
have it back for half of the $5500 that he paid for it.

Now that I'm back I've talked to quite a few aviation people in the
Inland Empire area and put notices up and done what I can to find my old
plane, but so far no joy.  He and the KR have disappeared.  In the FAA
registry it is still registered to me, so that's no help.  

Here are some pictures of the plane, including one of Bud with his new


If anyone knows anything about Bud or this KR, I'd appreciate any info
you have.  

My email is:  laser...@juno.com


If anyone knows of any nice, flying KR-2's for sale I'd sure like to hear
about it.  I've been looking for my old one for a couple years now and
I've pretty much resigned myself to not finding it.



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