Top ten reasons to buy/build your own plane.

OK guy's, lets get this list finished. I told you it would take longer to do 
than the one I made for flying a flight simulator program. We only need three 
more "GOOD" reasons, so let's put our heads together and get it done.

# 10 - The satisfaction of accomplishment (if you finish). Worth it all.

#9 - The YeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaa factor. Worth it all.

#8 - Flying early morning and evening sunsets. Worth it all.

#7 - Ahhhh the memories (if good) worth it all.

#6 - Money saved and sweat equity. Worth it all.

#5 - Education, priceless.

#4 - It's a time machine.

#3 - ?

#2 - ?

And the number 1 reason for buying/building your own plane, - ?

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