KR Netters: I now have 23 hours on 880AB and I want you to know that I have not flown as pleasurable an aircraft in my life as this little KR. It is very responsive with very little movenent of the stick which after a while becomes conditioned, it is fast. I have had it to 210 mph ( that's my limit) and yesterday I did a low fly-by at 190 mph verified by police radar. You guys building, hurry up. You do not know what you are missing.
Presently, cruise is 145 mph at 2800 rpm. The engine just hums and runs so smoothly. At 3100 rpm I am approaching 160 mph. Yes, this is verified by gps. I am so pleased with the performance of this aircraft. I have ordered a spinner, maybe this will give me a little more speed at the above settings. My engine is a 2180 cc Volkswagen with a Sterba 54X54 prop. Also, I am burning about 3.2 gallons per hour. All of this sounds impossible, it wasn't planned, it just turned out this way, therefore, I can't tell you what I did differently to get this performance. Landings, This is probably the easiest plane to land that I have ever had experience with. My insurance required me to have 2 hours dual in a like craft. Beginning with solo I have not had a landing less than near perfect. (Tomorrow, I will probably end this streak.) Bill Page