Dan wrote: You be the judge, I don't see getting anything that works for half the cost of Peel Ply, which is what one of the posts in the archives, claimed
The reason for checking on Peel-Ply is that we have a fabric store in the cities that is going out of business and I can get thepolyester for about $2.87 per yard. I won't need it for a while but that is too good a price to pass up if it works. Pat Driscoll Saint Paul, MN patric...@usfamily.net http://www.freewebs.com/patrick1936/ LIFE MAY NOT BE THE PARTY WE HOPED FOR.... BUT WHILE WE ARE HERE WE MIGHT AS WELL DANCE!" --- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- http://www.usfamily.net/dsl.html - $19.99/mo! ---