Tommy W wrote:

> Mark,you are using XM weather on your trips ,right?

Nope.  I have the software to run it on a laptop, but haven't found a laptop 
or display bright enough to actually see in a sunny cockpit yet.  i know the 
Garmin 396 does it, but there's something about throwing away a $2500 GPS 
every three years to get the latest features that just doesn't sit right 
with me.  Of course I guess if it's raining, maybe I don't need one so 
bright after all.  $50 a month for XM-WX weather seems steep, but after 
yesterday's flight, I'm reconsidering.  It was an educational experience in 
weather.  It never occured to me that clouds could outclimb me at wide open 
throttle, leaving me surrounded and in the soup.  That didn't happen, but I 
didn't miss it by far!  I think a Dynon and some IFR training is in my 
future as well...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at" 

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