Serge Vidal wrote:

> Makes me wonder... for those of us who have molded wing skins, Dan Diehl
> style, how much weaker would our KR2s be as compared to the original Rand
> Robinson foam core design, and what would the failure mode be? High Gs?
> Nearing the VNE?

Diehl skins have a quarter inch foam core (I think it is), but since it's 
glassed on both sides, rather than just one side, I'd call it much stronger 
and stiffer.  The two sides are even joined with "risers" of resin created 
by something akin to a bunch of nail holes in the foam before vacuum 
bagging.  Mine are built with glass on both sides as well, and I think 
they're pretty tough wings.  Don Reid has done an analysis on the wing, and 
determined that the spars will fail first, where the bolts hold the wing 
attach fittings on.    I don't know of anybody that's had either the skin or 
the spars fail during flight, however, so it may not be worth worrying 

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at" 

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