Tommy Waymack wrote:

> However,the taildragger is
> still the best handling dragger in aviation.Tommy W.

That is exactly what Troy Petteway told me before I started flying mine, and 
he's owned and flown them all, and has a gazillion hours of taildragger time 
(not to mention Citation Bizjet and King Air time).  Then he flew mine on 
the first flight and declared that mine was the best ground handling 
taildragger KR he'd ever flown, and that "any idiot" could fly mine with no 
problem, to which I attribute my great success.  Mine is different only in 
that my main gear is pretty wide stance at 8' (despite the Diehl gear 
instructions), perfectly aligned,  and my tailwheel is hung pretty far back 
too.  The ground handling difficulties that I hear people complain about are 
pretty much a mystery to me, as I've never experienced them!

I am looking forward to flying Jones' KR though, as that'll make me a little 
smarter on what I'm missing...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at"

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