
Here's some more info on our CORVAIR WINGS AND WHEELS FLY-IN, June 2-3-4 @ 
Barber Fileld, Alliance, Ohio.

There are some additional programs scheduled for our fly-in:

-- Seminar on the new Sport Pilot classifaction and Light Sport Aircraft 
-- Forums by Mark Lansford and Bill Clapp who are planning attend, weather 
-- CORSA swap meet for builders looking for Corvair engine components.
-- Presentation on the "Dynalifter", a new airship being developed for 
commercial and military applications. It is being built and tested here at 
Barber Field.
-- Awards for best homebuilt, best engine installation, farthest distance 
flown, etc.
-- 50/50 drawing with on winner, for the entire weekend. Winner need not be 
present at he drawing to win.  Pilots will be registered upon arriving.

So polish up your projects, get out the sectionals, program that GPS and 
join us for some fun !!!!

Pete Klapp, KR-2S builder

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