Lee as long as they aren't as bored as you are and decide to buzz the = little bird you're in good shape. Watch them Air Force types as they got weird ideas of what fun is. Buzzed a certain helicopter pilot in Vietnam once = and got a pair of rockets up the tailpipe for their trouble. Good thing his = wing man was awake and told him to break right. Well it seemed like a good = idea at the time. (lots of things fit that category when you happen to be = hung over) Doug Rupert Simcoe Ontario
There is no Lake Michigan to fly over but there are plenty of F-16s to = keep an eye on. There is no other thrill than to be flying along by = yourself, and to see two or three, F-16's go over about 500 feet above or below = you. This has happened several times and I can never seem to remember to get = my camera out in time. By the way I'm up to 70 hours and 50 or 60 = landings. But I didn't spend 8-10-12 years to build it either. I don't think = anybody will catch Mark L. Keep them flying and to some others get them flying. = =20 Lee Van Dyke Mesa AZ 85212 l...@vandyke5.com --=20 No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.5.3/331 - Release Date: 5/3/2006 =20