>I'm at the point to either glass or paint the wood. Larry sez to do it for
>strength and slick which makes sense to me.
>Steve Bray

My advise to Steve was to use "deck cloth" on the fuselage.  See

This is 1.45 oz glass and has a very fine weave.  If you add an equal amount of
epoxy you are at approx 3 oz per square yard to finish the wood.  I would
venture a guess that you will use that much weight in filler, etc. to 
seal / finish
the fuselage ply and that's all dead weight with no strength gain.  Tony
Bingelis recommends using it in one of his early books.  Having used it
to finish the fuselage wood, wings, and tail feathers on my KR, I would
second his advise.  Using anything heavier than "deck cloth" would be
adding unnecessary weight.

Larry Flesner

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