Hi Joe - sounds like you had vapor lock - my aerocarb did that once when it  
was warm - it stuttered a bit when oil temp was over 240 on a climb out - I  
leveled off and once it cooled to 235 it was fine.  Make sure you have a  fresh 
air cooling tube to a box around the gascolator and put fuel line wrap  (red 
fire sleeve stuff ) around the line to the carb.     I  havent ever had the 
engine shut down on landing but it did while taxiing at Sun  n Fun last year.  
enrichened the mixture a little bit and it stopped  doing it.  The puddle of 
fuel was because of the short time you had it with  the mixture on - no shut 
off.   Carb heat is not installed on mine -  but I suck cowl air anyway.    I 
have also increased the air  inlet size a little bit and made the air exit a 
bit bigger with a ramp.   Also - are you running 100 LL or 93?  It  makes a 
difference.   Another trick is to retard your timing about 2 degrees.  7 
static -  28 full.  It allows the engine to run cooler - no noticable loss in  

Just some starting points - if you need more let me know

Bill - 41768

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