My company got the memo (small airline out of STL). I don't know what to think about it right now, working for an airline, it seems to keep the flow of traffic going and the line down at the end of the runway. It may save a little time or just seems to at least.
Years ago in STL there was a terrible accident involving a "taxi into position and hold" clearance issued to a Cheyenne. At the time St. Louis Lambert had a small parallel runway which was originally a taxiway that they repainted. The cheyenne accidentally taxied across the narrow runway and went into position on 30R at an intersection downfield. At the same time an MD-80 was given a takeoff clearance on 30R at the end. I'm not sure if it was morning or not, but the weather was down and the MD-80 did not see the cheyenne in time to stop and ripped the top off the cheyenne. We get to see the pictures every year during recurrent training since we are based here in STL. It looked like the top was literally chopped straight off by the 80's wing, kinda like sheriff Bueford T. Justice's car in smokey and the bandit. I'm not to worried about it at the end of the runway, but when I cross a runway downfield of someone holding in position, I make sure I am lit up like the Griswald's house at christmass time. Has the new policy taken effect yet? If it has, STL is one of the "exempt" airports or just ignoring it. I flew in this morning and heard several "position and holds" on the parallel. I wonder if the bahamas will comply as well, I always liked their version...."line up and wait".