Troy, Your not going to go wrong if you keep the table flat and smooth. But you will proably want to recheck it every once in awhile as you will use the tables longer than you think. I had made my table out of 6" x 16ga steel stud and 3/4" particle board. But i didn't have to buy the studs as they were in the scrap pile at work. Good luck, let the adventure begin! Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.
> I have built one of my workbenches (4x8) I am going to build the > other one > on tuesday. To keep the top longeron straight, I have a steel beem > that's > an inch square. when I put the beem on the table, I noticed that I > have a > dip in the middle of the table. I tried to shim it up but it's > still there. > The dip is only 1/8 of an inch if that. Of course I will have to > use > something to hold down the longeron to the table on the "dip" to get > the > crossmembers flush. My question is this: When each side is done, is > it so > rigid that a dip will cause a problem, or will I be able to bend it > to shape > when putting the sides together? >