Larry, I fly a '46 chief... am fortunate to still be in the category of "those that will..." However, your story reminded me of a landing during my ferry from Texas to Oregon with my instructor, who fly's CRJs... At the last minute, ok second, he offered to take control so I could enjoy some scenery... Says he go this foot on the wrong pedal... maybe so... all I know is that as adrenaline pumping as the "dance" was, I hope not to repeat anytime soon... I too was fortunate, no damage, and now I have a good story to embellish and remind him of whenever we get together...
Glad to here the KR is easier on the ground. My project should become active and out of storage by August at the latest... Tony > -------Original Message------- > From: > Subject: Re: KR> terra firma aerobatics > Sent: 16 Apr '06 17:28 > > Larry, > I did the same thing after flying nothing but short coupled > experimentals for a while. Didn't have trouble with directional > stability, but couldn't get the Cub to land. Was used to a 100 mph > approach in the Mustang, so I thought I was plenty slow at 60 in the > Cub. Kept waiting for it to fall out of the sky..............Bobby > > > > > > An elderly gentleman friend of mine needed his recently restored > > Aeronca Chief moved from a grass strip to the local airport. > > The only person that had flown it since the restoration was not > > available so he asked me if I would help him out. As I seldom > > turn down a possible adventure I agreed to move it for him. >