OK a little update with no photos.  I have to get past April 15 and I'll 
throw some pics up.

We stopped by Mark Langford's on Saturday and met him at the airport.  I got 
a chance to flying with Mark in his highly modified KR that I have watched 
him build since it was little more than a boat.  Let me tell you, it flies 
like a dream and when you put the flaps down.......well, let's just say they 
are effective.  We had a great dinner out with Mark, Jeannie (sp) and their 
kids before turning in at Langford Manor, of course after spending some time 
in what was the building area of the basement just for old time sake.  
Thanks Mark.

First of all, go to airnav and look up Cedar Key.   On the way Elaine called 
and asked to reserve room number 7 at The Dockside, I'll post the number 
with the pics.  She was told 7 was unavaiable but he had other openings and 
would give us #8.  Elaine asked to reserve the room with a credit card but 
was told she could not..............he would only accept cash or PERSONNAL 
CHECK!!  In addition, he would reserve the room via the phone call but would 
be closed by the time we got there...........however, he would leave the 
door open and the keys on the table........we could pay him in the morning.  
I was beginning to already like the place.  To make a long story short, 
Cedar Key has a wide 2300' runway that has water on both ends but is open on 
both approaches. The pics will tell the story.......even the Checker 
Cab.....what a hoot.  Go there.

We got to SNF on Weds to spectacular weather only to meet up with Brian as 
he was packing camping stuff into the woods.  We literally met up at the 
"trail head".  Luckily, Brian had already made three trips back to his 
airplane to retrieve camping stuff and was on his last load:-).  Elaine and 
I rented and kiddy cart and loaded our camping stuff onto it, tied it down 
with bunggie cords and set up shop.  Elaine drove back to Tampa to pick up 
Adam who was flying in commercial.  Elaine, Brian, Adam and I sat around 
camp all evening........mostly listening to Brian talk to his wife.  "Honey, 
I'm flying home on Sunday to get the trailor.............to pick up the 
airplane............the one I just bought................the one I always 
wanted.............I wrote a 
call you later:-)

Since I am building up my 360 I wanted to get as much engine time as I could 
at SNF and luckily found the Mattituck tent was going to do a total 0-360 
rebuild Thurs starting at noon at the their tent.  In four hours he rebuilt 
the entire engine, dry but still put every nut, bolt and safety on the 
engine.  Worth the trip right there.

Thursday enening saw, as Jeff said, several KR'ers stop by the campsite.  
Elaine had enough around 10PM whiile the rest of us sat around and told war 
stories about flying, KR's, KR people (all good), cars........how to put out 
the forest fire.................beer...............no water, save the 
beer!!!  Great, great time.  I always look forward to those kinds of times.

Friday morning Adam and I went walking down towards Chopper Town only to see 
the F-22s fly over......well off towards to the runway we went.  Before we 
knew it we were amongst the professional photographers at the entrance to 
warbird parking while the crowds were held away some 150 yards 
away..............wait until you see the pics..............we could see the 
pilots wink through the canopy:)

Friday Mark flew in so we helped him pack his camping stuff over to the 
campsite.  A fine day was spent after lunch at Chef Franz Internet Cafe.  I 
had cajun while other had either shrimp or grouper.  A nice change to the 
SNF menu.

I called Mark later while watching the uiltralights.......those guys have 
the serious wantta fly (I've flown and test flown numerous ultralights so 
this is all in jest).  Nothing like seeing those guys with the engine and 
prop straped to their backs doing a runup to make your day:-)  Anyway, we 
called Mark up who handed the phone over to Dave....when we told him we were 
at the ultralights all he said was "take the Brown II as far as it will go"  
I've been to his campsite before so I wasn't shocked.  Anyway nice dinner 
with the Corvair gang.  Dave offered a free ride through security to get us 
back to antique and classic camping, when we pulled up across from the 
ultralights, that is when the "fun" began.  All I can say is Dave remarked, 
"When a Canadian sees a girl on a pole, he must stop".  Ultralight was 
having their Karaoke night under the big top with a center tent pole. One 
female saw this as an oppurtunity to express herself in a, as we say, 
expressive manner.  Depending on your point of view, or position of view, it 
was not something I would pay to see.  It was however a SNF first and a 
hoot.  We need to find Melody Mountains, the KR groupee, and haul 
her....................butt, to the gathering.  Anyone see her lately??

Elaine and I bugged out Saturday after the airshow.

A great time was had, old friendships renewed, new friendships made all 
surrounding a common interest..........flying.

Keep the sunny side down...........unless you desire to see the world as non 
flyers cannot...INVERTED!!!

Thanks everyone.

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY i39
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
O 360 A1A, C/S C2YK-1BF/F7666A4
do not archive

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