Sorry for taking so long to post this information.  I have been up to my
ears at work and getting two planes ready to bring to SNF myself.

The KR dinner will be at the Holiday Inn South on Friday 4/7.  This is the
same place it was last year.  Steve and Linda Bennet have agreed to put the
signup sheet in their boot again (Great Plains).  Be sure to thank them when
you sign up.  They have both been great supporters of the KR since before
most of us even knew what a KR was.

You will need to sign up by Thursday to be sure to have a meal reserved.
Also, don't forget to indicate your meal selection which will be steak or
lasagna.  I can confirm that the lasagna there is great and everyone told me
the steak was also.  Don't pay Steve and Linda.  They will be busy working
at the show and I don't expect them to spend a bunch of time keeping track,
making change, etc.  Pay me at the Holiday Inn.  Please be sure to sign up
or call me to sign you up if you can't be there.  They don't give me a lot
of flexibility to make changes in the numbers attending on the day of the
dinner and they expect me to pay them for what we ordered so let me know if
you may not be able to make it.

The Holiday Inn is at 3405 South Florida Ave and their number is
863-646-5731 if you get lost.  They are about 10 minutes from the airport.

I will make sure that everyone that needs a ride there and back will get
one.  Indicate on the signup sheet if you need a ride or if you have a car
and room for others you can take.

I have the room for 6:30 and dinner will start at 7:30.  They yelled a me
last year about having to remake all the salads because we were not ready to
serve in time so this year dinner will start promptly at 7:30.  Arriving at
6:30 and telling KR tales before dinner is encouraged.

My cell phone number is 904-536-1780 and my direct email address is  If you have questions or want to confirm your being there
send it direct to me, not the entire list.

If anyone wants to put the dinner information on their KR web site please
do.  There are a lot of people that come to the dinner that do not subscribe
to this list and we don't want anyone to miss it.

My campsite barbecues will be the same place as the last few years.  I
couldn't find a good map with detail of the area so here is my best attempt
at describing where it is.  I will draw up a map and put it with the dinner
signup sheet when I get there or you can call my cell phone if you can't
find it.

When you come in the main entrance and walk toward the flightline you come
to a road.  If you turn left it will take you to the four big exhibit
hangers.  If you go right it will take you towards the warbird ramp, vintage
aircraft camping, and the ultralight area.  Turn right here.  Just before
you get to the gate that goes to the flightline by the warbird area you will
see the shower bulding for campers on the right side.  Turn right before the
showers towards the woods.  There is a trail there with a small walk accross
bridge.  Go over the bridge and through the woods (all together now) and the
trail comes out right by the tree line in the vintage aircraft camping area.
I will be right by there just inside the woods and off the trail.  Just yell
"Where are the KR people" and we will find you.  If you don't find the trail
you can just go through the gate by the warbird ramp and follow the treeline
through the vintage area and look for the trail from that end.  It is
normally by a line of short wing Pipers and a few rows from the line of
Globe Swifts.  I have a Mustang dinner on Thursday, but I will be there
around 7:00 the rest of the week with dogs, burgers, brats, etc.  Feel free
to bring something and bring your own drinks.  Again, just call me if you
get lost.

There is a bad map at
and I will be just under the number 34 in the area between B & C 3.

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

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