> Today N880AB had its first official flight. It only took 14 years. > Lift-off was uneventful, climbed to 2500 feet at an airspeed of 110 > mph indicated at full power. Leveled off, power back to 2800 rpm > with an indicated airspeed of 140 mph. Had good control reponse and > the engine ran perfectly. I run a 2180 cc Volkswagen with a Sterba > 54 x 54 prop. Did not do a stall, however slowed to 60 mph with no > indication of stall. Empty weight is 635 lbs. with Dan Diehl wing > skins. Decent to pattern was 160 mph., approach at 100 mph, > over-the-fence at 80 to a near perfect wheel landing. Tomorrow the > speeds will be checked with a GPS, weather permitting. > > I plan to have 880AB at the gathering in September. I will keep you > posted as to 880AB's progress during the 40 hour fly-off. > > Bill Page > boliverp...@bellsouth.net
Congratulations Bill, Now you are at the stage that all those years were for. Take your time and keep us informed. These are exciting times. You said 160 in decent -- on my first flight when I saw 140 indicated I was trying to slow down so the plane didn't fall apart.(I was sure it would) Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa. joe.kr2s.buil...@juno.com