At 12:26 PM 3/22/2006, you wrote:
>I am curious about the effectivness of the verticle stabilizer in 
>it's stock, plans built size or area. I don't think the rudder needs 
>to be any larger but mayby the v-stab does.
>Of the people who are actully flying a KR-2, does anyone feel like 
>they should have made it a tad bit larger to keep it from fish 
>tailing at times?

My KR is a 24 inch stretch with stock 2 tail surfaces with the 
exception of adding
2 inches to the forward edge of the vertical stabilizer.

In flight my KR is VERY rudder sensitive.  It actually flies better 
with my feet on
the floor than resting on the pedals as I tend to get a heavy foot 
after a bit.
Yaw stability could be a bit better as sometimes I sense the fuselage is
flying a degree or two off line.  Generally thought it turns out to be a heavy
foot as I can take my feet off the pedals and it seems to correct itself.  It
seems to hold a heading with my feet on the floor, even in mild turbulence.

I've never felt like I lacked rudder authority, even in crosswind 
landings, etc.
With 200 hours flight time I have yet to need brakes  for directional control
on landing or takeoff, even in crosswinds.  Unlike Joe, I don't feel a need
for any vert stab offset as mine tracks straight in level flight with the ball
centered.  My gut feel is that a bit more vertical stab is not going to
hurt anything.

Larry Flesner

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