A note about props- I just recently converted my Corvair over to the nitrided crcnkshaft that William Wynne recommends and also put stainless valves in my engine (prep for turbo). One recent change that I want to tell you about is my prop. I have had issues with my 52X54 Prince p-tip lately. At high rpms there tended to be higher vibrations than normal. I have flewn many hours behind this prop but in the last few months it has progressively worsened. While checking the traking it appeared to be within 1/16 or so with a static test but when it was running you could see that one blade was about 1/4 to 3/8 or more ahead of the other. I asked William Wynne about this so he has a friend of his - Arnold - come down to the shop while I was there and dynamically balanced the engine for me. At the first test he noted that there was significant vibration but not from crank/cam or rods (he can check this with his computer) It appeared to all be from the prop. SO I put on William's recommended Sensnich props that he has. He happened to have a 54X52 that I put on and when I ran it and did the vibration analysis the difference was VERY noticable. It runs considerably smoother. I will be having another vibration analysis and adjustment done with spinner and all attached here shortly but I just want to spread this little recommendation:
Spend the extra money (it isnt much) and get a good high quality prop. There is no cause for wanting to use a cheap or unknown prop on your new engine and airplane. Like WIlliam has told me before - some guys will spend 3000 or more on a GPS or radio but wont buy a decent prop. I believe that there are enough KR guys flying behind a Sensnich to prove that their quality is superior and they build a beautiful prop. For info, The 54X52 that I have will max at 3600 at 8500 feet at full throttle. Thats 165 indicated or so. It may be a little too fine for my airplane right now but would be a good prop for a heavier KR or one with more drag. I believe that a clean KR2S with Corvair would do well with a 54X54 and a stock KR2 would be good with the 54X52. Ask around but these numbers are what William has been recommending and they have tested to be appropriate. So dont be a cheapskate...get a good prop...youll be glad you did..I am Bill and 41768