> >My thinking here is that if all of the O-rings or other rubber parts in the >carb could be replaced with off the shelf replacements that were alcohol >resistant that we wouldn't need to care if there was alcohol in our fuel. I >know that I am not the only person that has no idea if the fuel I buy at the >gas station has alcohol in it or not. >Brian Kraut ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I for one would hate to chop up my wings to build new tanks and I really don't want to mess with a good working carb. In Illinois, by law, the pump has to indicate the presence of alcohol in the fuel. That doesn't insure that the wrong fuel wasn't put in the tanks, etc., but it's a good indicator. I'm having trouble finding alcohol free fuel in my area. I'm down to one supplier. If I loose them and switch to 100LL my hourly cost will go up approx $8/hr. Larry Flesner