Hello neters,

I got my first ride in a KR today.  Mark Langford came down so I could get some 
measurements.  We were able to go up even though the winds were something like 
14 gusting to 23. (Not down the center of the runway).  I must say the plane 
handles great I could not believe the ball stayed centered at turns and such.  
I do know I have to hurry up and finish my plane.  I will have to figure a way 
to build mine so as a resale could be possible.  I couldn't reach the pedals. 
Maybe some blocks on the pedals will do it.  Mark greased it  in on only one 
attempt and the questions came. (What kind of plane is that?)  YEEEEEEHAAAAAA.

Thanks Mark, and for everyone else Keep building and flying.

Steven Phillabaum
KR2S; 5048; corvair;
Auburn, Alabama

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