Please dont take this wrong or anything. I am just letting you know how
things work at times. WW does not run a large warehouse with stocked up items
though he wants to get to that point in the near future. All I am saying is
that he works things in batches and groups. For example, he will produce 20
or 30 distibutors at one time ready for final checking - and then he will
build oil pans in a batch - then build a motor - and so on. He has always
good and honest and fullfilled every order as far as I know. Maybe not as
fast as some places but you will get it. An example is cowlings. then are
made in oven baked molds using prepreg glass that has to be ordered and
To order enough glass to make it profitable for him and yet keep the cost
bearable for the public he needs 8 guaranteed orders, so he has to wait until
those are paid up to order the glass to make 10, he makes the profit on the
last two cowlings. There isnt profit in the first group. So some stuff is
done in batches like that. Yes he could make one cowling - but the price
be much higher or the quality lower. As far as mounts go I know he has jigs
and does them up in batches as well. He will cut up and fit 30 trays (on
one jig) for a number of mounts. Then he makes up the rest of the mounts on
different jigs according to plane. Im hoping Ill get my mount soon as well
for Cary's plane - paid for as well. Believe me when I say its impossible for
WW to try to keep everyone happy. It doesnt happen, but he tries his best
with what he has - and he does fulfil his promise to provide the parts to his
customers and then also goes out of the way to provide other services as