Guys ,
With an hour in the air this evening I was playing around with mixture
settings. I discovered that (at least with my engine set up) that there
is a real sweet spot in the mixture setting on the aerocarb. The biggest
signal that I got when I found it was how much smoother the engine got.
The noise (read vibration) that has been bothering me for months was
turned into this beautiful hum. The exhaust temp that it smooths out at
is about 1325 deg and any change in throttle setting up set the balance
of things. It did not take only 100 rpm change to need a adjustment in
mixture. I also had just a tiny bit of carb heat on and I could tell the
difference with and with out that too. There was a fair amount of haze in
the air tonight. What a wonderful flying machine it was tonight. A couple
landings at different airports with cross wind of about 20 deg at all. I
did get a tad of side loads on the mains on the first touch down but was
able to correct it easily. The landings are getting better each time, a
well as speed and decent control. The flying is becoming much more
enjoyable because I'm not just staying up because was afraid to land.
Maybe I can sneak in 1 more flight in the morning before the big
snow storm.
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.
N357CJ- 20.2 hours-- Yeee Haaaa!!