>Actually they have tested it with car paint and It does not make a real big
>difference in temps... between the different colors.   but I would still
>stay with white...

Assuming an ambient temperature of 90 degrees F, the interior of a fuselage 
painted white will reach 140 degrees F in sunlight, and the same fuselage 
painted dark olive green ("Presidential Green") will approach 200 degrees F.  I 
believe black will go over 210!  My copy of the KR-2 manual has a chart with 
similar numbers (drawing 90, page 116, January 1990 edition).  My numbers are 
from the original testing to fit air conditioning into the VH-3A helicopters in 
the early 1960's; they started out all green and after the testing went to the 
"White Tops" (and this was before we ended up in Texas!)

Allen G. Wiesner
65 Franklin Street
Ansonia, CT 06401-1240

(203) 732-0508


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