I'll have to admit that of all the popular epoxy brands that are out there,
I have not used T88. I have for the past 15 years used West System. I have
used both fast and slow versions. I used WS when I instructed at an A&P
school on a spar project, where the students scarfed a length of 3/4 spruce
or pine and following the gluing, they would test the piece to destruction
by suspending the piece and loading it with weights at the splice. None of
the failures occurred at the scarf joint, except where a student failed to
properly glue or clamp the project. I keep my WS outside in the cold and
season after season it still works. I feel you could debate the glue issue
long and hard, and WS will still be in the range of good epoxies to use.
Southfield, MI
KR-2 N110LR 1984
See Tweety at http://www.kr-2.aviation-mechanics.com
See other KR spces at www.kr-2.aviation-mechanics.com/krinfo.htm