On page 86 and 87 of the manual that I have, it says to cut from the top with the saw at a right angle to the top. Then trim off 1/8" from that to allow for the hinge. Then cut the bottom back another 1/2". That will give you the angle at which to install the aileron spar.
One way that might make it easier, and you will have to verify that you get the full 1/2", is to make the cut on the top and trim your 1/8". Then laying the bottom of the removed aileron flat on the band saw, run it through the saw keeping it aligned with the top cut. This will give you a right angle at the bottom for installing your aileron spar, and you will only have to make one angled cut on the wood spar for the top. Also, before you cut, be sure that you are not cutting more than you want to have cut out. Your results will vary. Oh, and a tip. Try to get them finished, to at least one coat of paint, as soon as possible to keep them from warping. Also, keep them in a climate controlled area untill you can get them finished. See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pics See you in Mt. Vernon - 2006 - KR Gathering There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for building is OVER. Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC -------Original Message------- >It has now come the time to cut those beautiful Deihl wing skins for >turn gizmos. Can someone confirm that the gap on the lower aileron >skin is 1/2" aft of the cut on the upper. That is; there would be >about a 1/2" gap on the bottom for the aileron to travel downwards. >Also, where on the RR plans is this diagramed?