--- Robert E Kirby Sr <tiger7...@juno.com> wrote:

> Thank you for the information, The best so far at
> least you didn't call
> me a theft, as was imply,  for two week I've call
> and Fax RR with no
> result , I bought this KR2 from estate sale the
> plans are missing, it was
> pay for once, I'm  just need to complete it. 
> Bob

There's lots of unused plan-sets for the KRs out there
and you should be able to find a set for a reasonable
price, tho maybe not as soon as you would like. You
should also be able to get a new set within a
reasonable time from Rand-Robinson.
I have had three sets of KR plans, none of which I
bought from R-R, all of which were in excellent
condition when I bought them and NONE of which were
ever used to complete a plane. I am against buying
plan-sets which have already been used once to build a
plane, but that's not what you are interested in. 
The first set I bought from a guy in my EAA chapter
who never even started his KR. About a month later I
bought a partially started KR in excellent condition
which had a very nice, like-new set of plans with it.
The next Spring I bought a crap-load of stuff that a
friend had left over from building his KR and it
included a nice plan-set he had inherited from someone
else who had given up on building his KR. One of these
went to Danny McCormick, the guy who bought all my KR
parts when I came to England. The other two sets are
in storage and I cannot get to them, or I'd offer one
to you. Sorry.
I've discussed this with Jeanette Rand and she has
said simply to send her a note with the serial numbers
of the plans and she'll transfer the serial numbers to
my name. I know she's not always easy to contact, but
she's basically a one-woman shop. I don't want to
discuss whether she should turn the business over to
someone else, because that's none of my business. 
The price of the plans is very reasonable and I'd
consider buying a set from Jeanette. She may even be
able to tell you who originally built the plane you
have and give you some details about it. 
Just don't expect to get her on the first call.
There's probably more like me who have extra sets of
KR plans and I don't think there's anything wrong with
buying a set from them. I'm sure Jeanette would like
you to buy them from her, but she's not going to
black-list you if you don't, like Nat Puffer would,
for instance. I asked him about buying a set of Cozy
plans from one of his customers who was not going to
build a plane from them. He was not happy with the
question and told me I'd have to get the guy who sold
the plans to me to give me any support I might need
building the plane. Puffer was definitely NOT willing
to accept a small fee to transfer the plans to ME,
which Jeanette will do FREE. She may not be much of a
business woman, but I think she's one of the finest
people I've met and you will enjoy knowing her, once
you meet her.
Good luck with your "new" KR and don't get
discouraged. Things will fall into place before long
and, meanwhile, you've got a great little plane to
play with. 
Lucky Guy!
All the best,
Frank Ross

Frank Ross, 
EAA Chapter 35,
San Geronimo, TX
RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK
Visit my photo album at:

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