When I built my first plane back in "74" I came across a sanding disk that Sears, sold. This disk is an 8" disk with a 2 degree taper from center to edge on one side and flat on the other. The idea was that if you put it into the table saw and angled the disk 2 degrees, it would then be straight up and down but only a fine edge would touch the item to be sanded and give a much better surface than a flat disk. I put this to use when I scarfed the side panels on my fuselage. I set my saw to about 5 degrees taper and put the fence right against the center of the disk. On 1/8" plywood, this gave me about a 1-1/2" scarf and with a 2" X 8" board between the plywood and the fence and the 2X 8 right up to the disk, you can make a perfect scarf. Pat Driscoll Saint Paul, MN patric...@usfamily.net LIFE MAY NOT BE THE PARTY WE HOPED FOR.... BUT WHILE WE ARE HERE WE MIGHT AS WELL DANCE!"
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