
I'm cleaning up and backup up computers lately, and stumbled across a 
snapshot of a KR2 spec sheet from August, 1979.  There are lots of 
interesting things on it (like 210 mph top speed), but the best is the empty 
weight versus gross weight.  With 60 gallons of fuel x 6 pounds per gallon, 
that's 360 pounds of fuel.  Add 360 pounds to 500 pounds empty, subtract 
that from the 900 pound gross weight,  you've got 40 pounds left for the 
pilot.   Ken was lighter than we thought!  See .

I should be flying but it's pretty windy out there right now.  Maybe later 
in the day, or tomorrow...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at"

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