Kenny and Bobby
My initial post was in response to a question posed by a builder in reference 
to whether or not the CG location and limits were different from the original 
KR2 and the KR2S.  I had stated that they were not if both aircraft were built 
to plans. Kenny your plane being flown within 2 inches of the aft limit 
basically puts the aircraft at the "sane" limit that all who are informed about 
the KR2 and S agree on.  A quick weight and balance check of the shifting of 
the CG slightly aft as you take off and begin climb would probably reveal that 
you are in fact in that last 2 inches during the climb, and so need to take 
measures to keep the CG forward at all times.  I am loading everything that I 
can that I have to put in the plane anyway in front of the main spar in some 
way or another.  The more weight that I can transfer to right at or just ahead 
of the spar, the harder it will be to move the CG rearward due to the volume 
already forward. Also, I plan to have a small fuel cell used when flying with 
two, behind the seat so that when flying long distance, and draining the header 
tank, I can re-fill it with 5 to 6 gallons to maintain a safe CG in descent and 
landing, while manipulating the CG aft while in cruise. Yes there will be 2 
pumps to transfer fuel so that I cannot get caught with an out of CG plane...

New latch in the new gullwing. Back to sanding the nose bowl to shape...

Colin Rainey
First National Mortgage Sources
Lending Solutions in All 50 States

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