My name is Bobby Murty. Currently living just outside Pueblo Co. Was
sorting thru all the info on the KR net last night and the info you
contributed to the site seem to agree with my needs. I am currently trying
to lend a hand to a boy that is building a corvair powered KR. I have
built all the 4130 wing attach point hardware and will be
building him an engine mount at some point. While I am tooling up in the
machine shop to build things for him, I am toying with the idea of
building a second airplane.
I have already spent years building a Mustang 11 and a Mustang 1 and a
Cassutt. As opposed to most builders I don't want to redisign
anything!! As we all know the minute you change 1 thing, there are 10
other changes that must be made to compensate for it. I have an 0-200 and
enough wheels,brakes, pedals etc to put another small airplane together.
What this needs to be is a plane jane little airplane that will carry my
6'1,210 pounds and my 125 pound girlfriend off my 2700 foot grass strip.
I don't want to build anything that is available on the market. Is there a
cowling available that will fit the 0-200 without a rebuild? If so does
anyone have a set of prints or drawing for the mount? Several years ago
when Bob Bushby sold out , I bought his engine mount jig for the Mustang.
I'll bet with out much modification I can massage it to build a KR mount.
Was also wondering what the final prop combination you deceided on.
Sounds like you have been thru the full ordeal with props.