----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry&Sallie Flesner" <fles...@verizon.net>
>... months to finish the fuselage.  I can't seem to force myself
> to quit flying long enough to finish the bird.

Larry, that is a tough decision. I started removing my wings a couple of
weeks ago and just completed the removal today. Sad thing is that if it was
still flight ready, today would have been a good for flying since the temps
here reached 25°F (first time in over a week) and the skies were VFR. Oh
well, hopefully next weekend I will be able to trailer the fuselage home so
that I can begin my winter workout on her and get the paint done. I am going
to leave the wings in the hanger while I work on the fuselage. I hate to pay
hanger rent and not have anything in there to show for it. After I finish
the fuselage, it goes back to the hanger and then the wings come home for
their workout and paint. We have 8" of snow on the ground right now. Last
year this time we had no snow accumulation and were wondering if we would
have a white Christmas. I have been trying to talk my wife into moving back
down south but I do not seem to be making any progress there either.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI  USA
E-mail me at flyk...@wi.rr.com
Visit my NEW
KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at www.flykr2s.com

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