Excellent posts Kevin and Steve. Between the three of us I believe we not only covered all points, but also clarified our individual positions both from a pilot and builder perspective. Netters will know better how to interpret if needed what we say, and what questions to ask.
I respect what you are saying Kevin about knowing your airplane, and agree with what you say about things like leaning the engine for takeoff. The Cessna manual actually says to lean for best power, even for takeoff when the "density" altitude is 3000 feet or higher. Due to the hot air intake on the C172RG, we would religiously have to lean on takeoff or full power could not be reached. I cannot tell you how many times I had to lean the mixture for a student at only 1500 feet, because the temps had the density altitude at 3500 feet etc... I have been guilty and just caution other netters as well from over simplifying topics causing confusion or mis-understanding. Great posts, and thanks... Colin Rainey brokerpilot9...@earthlink.net EarthLink Revolves Around You.