Steve Bray
Jackson, Tennessee


If I caught you in a mistake I missed it.
I made the mistake of not reading all the mail. After I replied to you I 
read Kevin's and figured it out.
I'm glad your teaching them to think but now that I think about it I guess 
your forced to If you want to survive.  Have you ever heard the wind the 
clock thing?
Wimpy, my instructor, also told me not to fly a single engine airplane at 
night. He said he knew I would do it anyway so when the engine quit to do my 
best to pick a spot and line up then turn on the landing light. If I liked 
what I saw, land. If I didn't , turn them off ! That went farther toward 
getting me to think about it than just telling me not to.
He told me when (not if ) I got into trouble while learning to loop and spin 
in my J-3 to let go, it knew more about flying than I ever would. He would 
pull the throttle and say pick a spot. More than once he let me complete it. 
The one time I actually did this 25 years later I called him and thanked him 
for it.
The thing that scares me about list, not so much this one but the VP and 
others is that some of the people that read them have never flown and have 
no discernment.  You and others speak up quickly and clearly and that's the 
way it should be. Continue please.

Try not to get to bored flying that airliner,
Steve B

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