That is known as "Staking" the valve.  Pretty common practice to fix a
leaky valve if it has a deposit built up on the face.  As Bob said,
sometimes you have to soak them up in MMO to loosen the deposits.

Jeff Scott

On Sat, 26 Nov 2005 17:58:37 -0600 "Robert L. Stone" <>
> Netters,
>      I had a pre-buy inspection done on my Cessna 152 and  during 
> the 
> compression check the mechanic found one cylinder was showing only 
> 47 
> pounds.  Another mechanic did something I have never heard of 
> before.  He 
> said that sometimes there will be a carbon buildup on the seal of 
> the 
> exahust valve and cause it to not close all the way and seal on the 
> compression stroke as it is supposed to do.  He took a large rubber 
> mallet 
> and smacked the roker arms a few times after removing the cover of 
> course 
> and now that cylinder is showing 74 pounds.  Just a few strokes with 
> a 
> rubber mallet was all it took to jar the carbon off of the seal.  I 
> could 
> see an expensive repair bill for grinding valves, replacing rings or 
> possibly the entire cylinder so I thought you guys aught to know 
> about this 
> fix.
> Bob Stone, Harker Heights, Tx

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